Tuesday 8 September 2020

Bucket list of 50 wishes : SSR

♦ Learn How to Fly a Plane
♦ Train for Iron Man triathlon
♦ Learn Morse Code
♦ Kelp Kids Learn About Space
♦ Play Tennis With a Champion
♦ Do Four Clap Push-up
♦ Chart trajectories of Moon, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn for a week
♦ Dive in a Blue-hole
♦ Perform the Double-Slit experiment
♦ Plant 1000 Trees
♦ Spend an evening in my Delhi College of Engineering hostel
♦ Send Kids for workshops in ISRO/ NASA
♦ Meditate in Kailash
♦ Play Poker with a Champ
♦ Write a Book
♦ Visit CERN
♦ Paint aurora borealis
♦ Attend another NASA workshop
♦ 6 pack abs in 6 months
♦ Swim in Cenotes
♦ Teach Coding to visually impaired
♦ Spend a Week in a Jungle
♦ Understand Vedic Astrology
♦ Disneyland
♦ Visit Ligo
♦ Raise a horse
♦ Learn at least 10 Dance forms
♦ Work for Free Education
♦ Explore Andromeda with a Powerful Telescope
♦ Learn KRIYA Yoga
♦ Visit Antarctica 🇦🇶 33. Help train Women in Self-defense 🥋
♦ Shoot an Active Volcano
♦ Learn How to Farm
♦ Teach dance to kids
♦ Be an Ambidextrous Archer Finish reading the entire Resnick – Halliday physics book
♦ Understand Polynesian astronomy
♦ Learn Guitar  Chords of my fav. 50 songs
♦ Play Chess with a Champion
♦ Own a Lamborghini
♦ Visit St.Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna
♦ Perform experiments of Cymatics
♦ Help prepare students for Indian Defence Forces
♦ Make a documentary on Swami Vivekananda
♦ Learn to Surf
♦ Work in AI & exponential technologies
♦ Learn Capoeira
♦ Travel through Europe by train

Monday 7 September 2020

The wrong expectation on students

 I have heard people say "If an engineer quits his job and does something else, it costs the government who invested in him". so to be productive and an asset to the country they shouldn't deviate from their set path.

How ironical is that to blame it to the very students who was not given an option to choose but was rather forced to get fitted in the tight jars of the systems. Its just been weeks that the government has rolled out a new education policy that lets students choose multiple subjects from arts, commerce of science as they like. Doesn't this prove the fact that it was highly stupendous earlier to compel students select an exclusive subjects ? when they themselves are at the very onset to discover their interests. When a person discovers that he want to be an actor during his engineering days then he is labeled as someone wasted the investment of the government. Was it not the duty of his mentors during his growing age to find the hidden treasure in this person and encourage to pursue that very talent ? But on the contrary, every school has just one target to make students achieve highest marks in the academics, that's it. And then the system expects that they comply with their decisions all their life. I find such students very courageous who just let go of such baggage of burden imposed by the society and struggle in the endeavor of their interests in life, despite being late in their journey. The journey that could have started very early in the mentor ship of parents and teachers and whole system.

As time passes, we also become very insecure which is quite normal. If a student is in class Xth, and he likes acting, dancing or any off beaten tracks. It is easier to pursue these if parents and teachers are supporting. He pursues his intermediate and still no support. Then he gets into an engineering college by his sheer hard work because of the concern of his parents. Now will it not be very difficult for him to think of anything else. Has is not been too late ? Now that person is placed in an MNC, tell me how difficult it is for him now who is earning the bread and butter of the family to think of anything otherwise. In my opinion, we have failed our kids to unravel his own potential rather made him fit into what should have been done according to us. We did not let their wings work for them, rather taught them to run as fast as they could. Because that's what the society has been doing for years. Running !


Saturday 5 September 2020

Enjoy the process : Not the results

     From the very beginning of our development i.e. school life, We are given grades or marks and are always compared with our classmates by firstly our teachers then our parents. If a student gets good marks, he is told "You have scored great, always maintain this. keep it up". If a student gets low marks, he is told " look at your other friends, study hard and brings marks like they do".

    As we grow , we face competitions with many other students and parents encourage us saying "if you get got marks, I'll buy a new cycle for you". This entire system is result oriented and it only brings frustration in the mind of students.

    Why no one talks about how interesting a topic is? why no one asks that which subject you find interesting? why no one is eager to what new concept you learnt today? why teachers do not encourage students to think of any new possibility in the concept they teach? If a students hesitatingly asks a question, why doesn't the teacher appreciated his thinking? why does he make him sit by saying how foolish his question was?

    We all have capability of becoming a scientist, but we are forced to be a job person.