Tuesday 5 July 2016


I always had this curiosity to know everything about all the incidents in Mahabharat. Since this was not one of the science's miracles or any astonishing universal phenomena, it was always postponed and was prioritized low. Now, I have begun the work of going through Mahabharat story with reference to 94 episodes of BR Chopra TV Series(1988-90).

Story goes : -

It all started with a great king of Kuru Vansa that Bharat possessed once. He was Raja Bharat, son of Dushyant and Shakuntala. He was the greatest king of his time. Our country name is named after him. He had 7 sons but he chose someone else from his subjects to be his successor, as he believed in Karma and not Vanshavad.

His thoughts were not celebrated long and time came when kings succeeded by their heir. Raja Shantanu was one of the lineage. Once he set out on hunt in the jungle and encountered a beautiful lady. He fell in love with her beauty and was magically driven into her. She was Ganga. His fall was to such an extent that he said yes to everything Ganga asked. Surely the kingdom was about to fall with the king being so indulged in carnal craving.
Once, Ganga asked the king to take a vow for not questioning her for anything she does. King, lost in her beauty, without giving second thought gave his word.
Now came the ultimate pain of this vow when one by one Ganga drowned her 7 sons into the river. Despite seeing all this before his eyes, King couldn't question. Finally it was beyond his patience and tolerance, when Ganga was taking her 8th son to the river, he stopped her and broke his vow by questioning her the very definition of a mother.

Ganga explained "This was all due to a curse that we are living in this MrityuLok(earth). The curse was of her father, which would only break if Shantanu would break his vow. Now I am relived from this, I am leaving with your son and would return it at right time."

12 years passed. King was drowned in thoughts for Ganga, her beloved. Then came a day when Ganga appeared and gifted her son called Devvrat. She promised to have taught her all knowledge and Shastra gyan to her son as this kingdom is known for passing down the legacy on Karma basis and not Vansh. King was very happy to have his son.

Devvrat was proficient in everything as he received ll his knowledge directly from Devta in swarg. He solely once drove away the entire army of Salva Vansa who attacked and even pardoned the capurted king extending his friendship. This made the Kuru Vansa popular all throughout.

Years later, when king went for hunt to the jungle he again saw a very beatiful kanya named Satyavati who used to row boat on the yamuna river bank for the travellers to cross. She was too very beautiful and attractive. King fell flat on her beauty and decided to marry her. He met his father Dashraj who set a condition that he would allow marriage only if King promised to enthrone his daughter's eldest son. King was infuriated at this and left. But he could't forget Satyavati. He was depressed and always went to the river bank to see her.

Devvrat upon observing his father's sadness, discovered the reason behind. He went to Dashraj and asked for the problem which hindered his father's marriage to Satyavati. Dashraj explained. Bhism immediately agreed for giving his kingdom to the unborn child of Stayavati. This was not enough for Dashraj, he also wanted that only Satyavati lineage would inherit kingdom and not devvrat's. To this, Devvrat who was a great father devotee, took a pratigya(vow), to not marry and lead a life of celibacy, never have a child. This is known as Bhism Pratigya.

King Shantanu, upon learning this incident felt very sad and helpless and thought himself as the reason of his son's vow. But, such a sacrifice for father's devotion and love was an example for the entire world. He gave his son a boon "You will have death only when you wish, and the world will know you by Bhism". This was iksha mrityu vardaan. King Shantanu died.

Throne was left empty till the birth of Shankuntala's first Chitrangad. His tenure did not last long and was killed. Shakuntala's second son Vichitravir was enthroned thereafter. He proved to be a good king under Bhism.

King of Kashi had three daughters  Amba, Ambika, Ambalika. He organised a swaimvar for them but did not invite Kuru vansa King Vichitravir. Bhism got offended and went to the swaimvar himself on the king's behalf. He challanged the king and forced him to let away her daughter for Vichitrvir. He brought them to Hastinapur palace but got to know that Amba was in love with King of Salva. He sent her to salva with honors. But king of salva now refused considering it a mockery on his inefficiency to win Amba himself. He felt it as an insult and rejected Amba. Amba blamed Bhism for all this happening and proposed him to marry her, but as he had taken vow he couldn't. She cursed him that she will be the reason for his death. She left.

Vichitravir died of a disease and Ambika or Ambalika did not have a son. King's place was vacant. Then Satyavati's son Ved Vyas who was a sage's vardaan for satyavati boat ride to Yamuna bank arrived Hastinapur and agreed to her mother's wish to impregnate Ambalika and Ambika. They just had to encounter Ved Vyasa and he would shower his fortune for their son. Ambika was terrified when encountered by the sage's look and she closed her eyes. Her son was born without vision Dhritrashtra. Ambalika encountered sage with fear and her body turned pale. Her son Pandu was not healthy and predicted to be so ever in life. Satyavati begged for one more chance to Vyasa, but fearful ambika and ambalika sent a maid instead to Vyasa. Unlike them, the maid was cheerful and did not panic at all seeing Vyasa. Her son Vidur was healthy and proficient in everything as predicted.

Being the eldest son, Dhritrashtra was proposed by Bhism to be the next king. However, Vidur suggested that a king should not be physically insufficient by any means. Pandu was then enthroned on the kingdom. 

Dhritrastra was married to Gandhar's daughter Gandhari. In her husband's devotion, She blindfolded her eyes too and pledged to no see if her husband cannot.

Pandu went to Aryaraj kingdom which held swaimvar for the King's daughter Kunti. Kunti was indeed born in soorvans with name Pritha but soorvans king gifted her to his childless brother kuntibhoj, and hence name Kunti. 

Kunti once did an immense hospitality to rishi Durvasha, who blessed her and gave a mantra by which any god from devlok would have to come if she remembers. 

She just wanted to testify the sage's blessing and uttered the mantra for Surya Devta. He then blessed her with a son Daanveer Karna. Being unmarried, Kunti had no option other than to let her child go. She left Karna covered in a box into a river.

Friday 25 March 2016

Sleep Writing

While returning back to my home, I heard some JNU kind students protesting for something. I overlooked them and passed by, but there was a thought that maybe they ask of force me to join them. I pretended as if I had some important work and I passed. No one stopped me of troubled me. I reached home, relaxed for sometime and then out of nowhere this thought came to visit that place again, maybe for the good reason they are fighting against the government, I thought.

I went to that place.This time it was like a camp being set up there. There were few policeman who controlled people, I out of thinking that I have done no wrong. Lets just enter, I stopped my bike without removing the helmet started walking towards the entrance. Then I pulled out the helmet, kept it on the desk and went forward. I saw small children lined up in a row, a little happy. I noticed that there were colorful jackets placed one by one in the row. I thought, they are for distribution to these children. However, giving no time to think myself. I entered the main office room. As I walked in, everything became clear, It was an ISIS kind of group who trained children or teenagers and prepare them for jihad. There were ammunition all over. I was now troubled around but I thought to take this easily. I was hell fearful withing but I thought if they sensed that I want to escape they'll shoot me here itself. The person sitting at the table with a register gestured me to write my name and details. I moved forward as If I am aware of what I am doing and this is not happening by mistake. But then something hit my brain, and I thought I am going into the biggest trouble now If I do not speak. I said "I came here for registering my self for JNU students concerns, I guess I 'll find them somewhere else" and tried to walk forward. They in no time replied "come here, let me show you something" I sensed the sinister look in his eyes. He took a pin kind of instrument from his pocket and injected on my neck. I felt troubled and panicked to escape all this. I ran to the door, my feet felt heavy. With all my might I dragged myself out but fell on the ground and then few of his comrades come and took me to their shell.
I was terrified as hell and thought I have ended my life now, nothing's gonna happen now. No one will ever find me. Days passed.
A trainer came with his reasoning puzzle game and with a torturing iron instrument, he gave a puzzle. Before I could figure out, he used that instrument which felt like something eating my skin. I cried within, but focused on the puzzle and solved it in two attempts. 

You always need someone who is in the same situation as you otherwise you'll have no hope to live. After my turn, came the turn of my friend "Vamsi",  who was given to highlight the English word for "anaar". He's from Vishakhapatnam, he always had his hands tight for these hindi words. I tempted a lot to give him a hint but seeing the torture instrument  I dared not to speak. He was punished twice for not picking the right word.

I stared looking at the boundaries of the hall for escape and thinking fo my bike which I had borrowed from someone. I went near the windows, gates to look for any possible exit that I could use, However, I had a massive fear of what if I get caught. I would not be able to bear their punishment.

Then suddenly, I saw my brother came looking for me at the place.  I didn't know from where has he got any clue that I came here. But I felt so helpless, and tried to hide myself as I knew once he sees me he'll try his best to get in and then will in the same situation as I. I also wanted to tell him that please don't inquire much, don't try to get in this. You will die. All happening right in front of my eye. He inquired about the place, met a few people in uniform who were not real military person I knew. They pointed a way to the entrance .. I felt like shouting out as loud as I could, I never wanted my beloved brother to get in this hell....

Then I woke up...